Indian Railways always introduces new special trains on different routes during the special occasions. As we all know that the great Mahakumbh Mela has already started and it is popularly celebrated as a Hindu festival and regarded as the largest religious gathering in the world. This Maha Kumbh Mela is held every 12 years at four spiritually important locations along sacred rivers. The important locations with sacred rivers are mentioned below.
- Prayagraj – Prayagraj is one of the most popular places where the great river Ganga, Yamuna & mythical Saraswati rivers meet together. This year Maha kumbh Mela is going to be held in Prayagraj.
- Haridwar- One of the most popular holy places Haridwar is located on the bank of the holy river Ganga.
- Ujjain – It is also one of the most popular holy places in India. A big Mahakal temple is located in Ujjain. Mahakumbh Mela also takes place in Ujjain as well.
A large number of people used to travel in order to take the holy bath during the Maha Kumbh Mela. Hence, in order to make everything easy and smooth for the train passengers. Indian Railways is already geared up for the world’s largest religious gathering in 2025 in Prayagraj.
For the next 50 days during the Maha Kumbh Mela, Indian Railways had decided to run 3000 special trains for the devotees. It is expected that more than 40 crore devotees from all corners of India and the World will visit Prayagraj in this Mahakumbh Mela 2025.
Indian Railways Introduce Special Trains For Maha Kumbh Mela 2025
Indian Railways decided to operate approximately 10,000 regular and 3000 special trains for the devotees this year. Apart from that, 1800 special trains out of 3000 will run for the short distance whereas, 700 trains for the long distance. It is also decided that 560 trains will be run on the ring rail.
Routes of Special Ring Rail
- Prayagraj-Ayodhya-Varanasi-Prayagraj
- Prayagraj-Sangam-Prayagraj-Jaunpur-Prayag-Prayagraj
- Jhansi-Govindpuri-Prayagraj-Manikpur-Chitrakoot-Jhansi
- Govindpuri-Prayagraj-Chitrakoot-Govindpuri
These are some of the special trains for the great Hindu festival Maha Kumbh 2025. According to General Manager of North Central Railways Mr. Upendra Chandra Joshi said that due to heavy crowds in Maha Kumbh Mela, more than 18,000 personnel of the Railway Protection Force (RPF) and the state railway police will be present on Prayagraj Junction with all types of emergency equipments such as oxygen cylinder, ECG machines, glucometers, concentrators, nebulizers, stretchers etc. These equipment are provided for medical assistant to the passengers.
Total 560 Ticketing Points
Indian Railways had already made a total number of 560 ticketing points. It is expected that around 10 lakh tickets can be easily distributed from these important ticket counters on a daily basis. The nine railway stations are Naini, Prayagraj Junction, Subrdarganj, Prayag Junction, Prayagraj Chhoeki, Phaphamau, Prayagraj Sangam, Prayagraj Rambagh and Jhansi.
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